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All About "Batik"
All About "Batik"

"Batik." How do you pronounce this word? Most English speakers say buh-TEEK with emphasis on the second syllable. The word, of Javanese origin, is pronounced BAH-tik in Indonesian, with emphasis on the first syllable. According to some sources, the term evolved from Javanese amba (to write) and the Malay word titik (dot). Writing with dots…




When I start digging for origins, Indonesia features prominently. (Indonesian batik was internationally recognized when UNESCO added it to its Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity list in 2009. Read about it:  UNESCO Cultural Selection.) 

The Indonesian island of Java’s fine batiks were highly sought after by traders from Europe, the Arab world, and India, not long after the middle ages. Yet, it appears the art form was practiced in various ancient cultures. A batik-like linen grave cloth has been unearthed in Egypt, which dates from the 4th century BC. White patterns contrast with an indigo-blue background, which could very well have been made by scratching designs into the wax.


Wax is the keyword here. Hot, liquid wax. Patterns are created by dropping dots and lines with a spouted tool filled with wax onto cloth, or with wax-soaked stamps. Then the cloth is soaked in cold water dye. Everywhere the wax was applied, it resists the dye. When the piece is washed in hot water, the wax melts away, resulting in a two-toned printed piece of cloth. The process can be repeated multiple times with new wax designs applied once the cloth is dry, then dipped into new shades or colors.


Phew! What a labor-intensive process! One can see why Unique Batik even re-purposes the precious batik fabric cut-offs into beautiful products. For example, check out these earrings or these scrunchies.

Since 1999 when Unique Batik first met a few small artists in West Africa, its own indelible impressions are clearly seen. Over the years trusting relationships with the families have slowly grown, as regular personal visits are made to the workshops. Unique Batik is still a vital link between them and customers on this side of the Atlantic.


So, big applause for tremendous and faithful effort is appropriate! And a little pause for reflection:

I was thinking about the singularity of each hand-printed cloth. (The word “unique” has roots in the word “one”.) Have you thought about how we all leave our unique mark in the circles we move, intentionally or not? By our individual choices, we can resist common default reactions to what life throws at us, just like the wax repels the dye, with extraordinary results! Imagine how our environments can be custom decorated by forgiveness instead of bitterness, by thankfulness instead of complaining. Each one of our pièce de résistance is a jaw-dropping work of art.

Pique your “Interestique”

If you want to try your hand at the actual process of batik, you can follow this tutorial for a small beginner project: Handprinted Introduction to Batik

To Market with My Basket
To Market with My Basket

Plastic. The woven kind, standing tall among the reusable choices of our day. Not mass-manufactured, but individually plaited by the delicate fingers of a family I’ve known for two decades.

Come With Me

First, you need to endure several hours of winding mountain road travel in a crowded minibus from Guatemala City (the subject of another story, another day).

Next, you ascend a precariously steep cement staircase of 144 irregular steps to arrive at our friends’ house in a hamlet clinging to the vertical sides of the San Francisco River Valley. If you still have breath in your lungs at this altitude, you’ll soon lose it to the priceless views of Lake Atitlan from here! (Where in the world?)

Stringed Instruments

Our host comes to the gate to welcome us with a big smile. The walls are hung with loops of colorful plastic wire. Baskets in various stages of completion are sitting on the kitchen table amid open school books. Wooden frames in different sizes are stacked on top of the pantry cabinet. Chickens cluck in their pens and a pot of black beans is gurgling on the wood stove. This, right here, is where the magic happens.

Luisa, her soft-spoken husband, and their six beautiful daughters (among them a set of twins) are all involved in the family business. He is a mason by trade and the girls are all in school, but everyone joins in weaving baskets when they have extra time. You can sense this Mayan family’s pride in their handiwork and shared excitement when an order comes in from Unique Batik. They are happy to show us how it’s done: each tight wound of the string around the rugged wooden pegs, in and out, over and under, culminating in symphonies of color.

Big baskets take her two days to finish, and the smaller ones are a full day’s work. (Here “hand” is put back in hand-crafted!) Once a week she totes (the pun intended) a collection of her baskets to the local market, where she trades on the sidewalk. The orders for baskets to export come periodically, and they are made the same way and with the same dedication. One by one.

Pack up your Troubles in a Handy Tote and Smile, Smile, Smile

These woven baskets are ubiquitous in Guatemala and I have an assortment myself! In my opinion, they are the most practical option for produce shopping at the farmer’s market, packing a picnic, and transporting or storing all my general and specific paraphernalia. They are durable, easy to clean, and they are just plain pretty.

Our short visit has brought smiles to all. We leave with several purchases, full hearts, and an unforgettable story to share.

That's why I say, choose plastic. Choose Luisa's canastas.*   HERE.

* “Canasta” is what they call a basket in Spanish, from Latin “canistrum”, which originated from earlier usages of “kanna” for “reed”. (You may know a fun card game by that name too.)

Want to explore more about our Guatemalan artisans? Look here: Unique Batik Artisans



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Reading the Beads, Part 3
Reading the Beads, Part 3

As we noted in our two previous posts, beads carry great significance in Ghanaian culture — marking key moments in your journey through life. What’s more, they can signify your status within society. 

A priest, for instance, would wear beads made of organic materials like bone, cowrie shell, or elephant teeth. A queen mother would wear white beads, symbolizing purity, as well as silver and blue beads, aligning her with the moon. A chief would wear bronze beads, plated with gold, and complementary yellow beads. According to our friends at SUN TRADE BEADS in Accra, these glowing colors represent “fire under control.”

Not surprisingly, beads marking the end of life are especially meaningful. At funerals, mourners usually wear black and white beads to express their grief — but they might also wear red, to show their rage at the loss of a loved one. Beads of creamy red-brown bauxite, exclusive to Ghana, indicate an extremely profound loss.

We hope you’ve enjoyed our discussion of beads and their significance for the people of Ghana. Whenever you wear beaded jewelry, think of the ways different colors and styles can express something about your own journey through life.

Reading the Beads, Part 2
Reading the Beads, Part 2

In our last post, we noted the significance that people in Ghana attribute to beads. As we saw, beads can celebrate and commemorate your birth. Here’s how they reflect the later stages of your journey through life:

Waist beads represent an intimate adornment once you reach adulthood. To quote our friends at SUN TRADE BEADS in Accra, “they should be worn discreetly and not be seen by just anyone.” Beads worn around the wrist, however, can show status and express identity — for everyone to see.

Beads can also designate major landmarks in your journey, such as overcoming an obstacle, surviving an accident, or even giving birth. To make these moments tangible, you might opt for white beads or disk-shaped beads.

In our next post, we’ll talk more about the way beads can communicate social status — and mark the end of life. Be sure to join us!



Reading the Beads
Reading the Beads

In Ghana, beads are more than beautiful objects; they are symbols with specific meanings for each person. To quote our friends at Sun Trade Beads in Accra, they help “narrate your life from birth to death.” At the start of your journey, for instance, beads tell your story in the following ways:

One week after your birth, you’ll have a naming ceremony, and you’ll receive a small string of beads. These may be blue or another color, chosen by your grandmother. 

If you’re a twin, you’ll get a special set of beads to reflect your special status. These beads represent seed and bone, and they’re usually made of glass, in a combination of black and white or brown and white.

As you grow, your beads will be carefully restrung — continuing your story into the next phase of life. In our next post, we’ll explore that pivotal phase, so be sure to join us again!

Making a Difference -- With Masks
Making a Difference -- With Masks

Earlier this year, when the COVID-19 pandemic reached America, thousands of people had trouble getting face masks. There simply weren’t enough to keep everyone safe and healthy.

Beginning in March, we’re pleased to say, Unique Batik took action to address this problem. Working in tandem with skilled artisans and longtime retail customers, we were able to produce thousands of masks — and to make them freely available.

In Guatemala, for instance, artisans created soft, colorful masks from traditional corte fabric. In Thailand, artisans made beautiful tie-dyed masks.

We donated many of these masks to nonprofit organizations, and several of our retailers did the same, or facilitated the donation process. Here are some inspiring examples of fair-trade stores doing their part:


The Bridge (Holland, Michigan)

Volunteers bought masks and sent them to the Navaho Nation, a coronavirus hotspot with an infection rate among the highest in the country. Now, thanks to contract tracing, social distancing, and a mask mandate, the Nation has almost completely eliminated new infections.


Blue Heron Design (Lee’s Summit, Missouri)

Blue Heron gave masks away for free. With donations from its customers, the store raised almost $3,500 for four local organizations: Hope House, Lee’s Summit Social Services, Black Waters Market Food Pantry, and the Humane Society Animal Shelter (which received masks with a cat print). “I’m proud of our customers,” says owner Peggy Brown, “and humbled by their generosity.”


Mosaic Fair Trade Collection (Eugene, Oregon)

Mosaic helped customers donate masks to the Navajo Nation. For more information about the Nation and its response to COVID-19, click here.

Thanks to everybody who has helped us get masks to the people who need them!


When you buy a face mask from Unique Batik, you're helping talented artisans like Laura and Francisco -- hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic.

When you buy a face mask from Unique Batik, you’re helping talented artisans, like Laura and Francisco, who've been hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic.

The Impactful Work of ODIM Guatemala
The Impactful Work of ODIM Guatemala

One of the universal truths in this world is wherever you go in the world you will find people just want to provide a good life for their families. At Unique Batik, we strive to present opportunities for the families and communities we work with to do just that.

We also know our work is only one avenue of support, so we believe in advocating for organizations doing life changing and life saving work on the ground in these communities. One of our favorite such organizations in Guatemala is ODIM (Organization for the Development of the Indigenous Maya). ODIM was founded in 2005, initially beginning its work by supplying humanitarian relief for the people of Guatemala after being devastated by Hurricane Stan.

In 2008 construction began for ODIM’s San Juan Clinic (Clinica Sanjuanerita), and in 2014 the San Pablo Clinic (Clinica Chuitinamit) was opened. One of the greatest things about these clinics is that they are staffed by bilingual Spanish/Tz’utujil speaking nurses and a local physician, and of their 42 staff members 82% are Tz’utujil Mayan staff, 13% are Guatemalan (but not Tz’utujil), and only 5% are foreign staff. Another bonus: 83% of ODIM’s leaders and coordinators are women! 

Since ODIMs conception its staff has worked hard to raise funds to implement and maintain an array of incredible programs:

  • Healthy Mommy & Me utilizes healthcare, informational sessions, cooking classes, food vouchers, psychological support groups, and medical appointments to combat chronic malnutrition.

  • Adolescent Health is designed to equip youth with knowledge about puberty, sexuality, contraception, and gender equality to empower them to make sensible decisions for themselves and become peer educators in their communities.

              Adolescent Health                   Let's Walk Together
  • Let’s Walk Together provides education, exercise, cooking classes and support groups for those living with diabetes, which affects more than 25% of the indigenous population (to compare, the CDC’s 2020 report estimates 10.5% of the US population has diabetes).

  • High Impact Home Improvement (HIHI) provides families with water filters and safe, smokeless, and environmentally friendly stoves in their homes, as well as informative workshops about Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH).

ODIM provides medical care at their two clinics, their dental clinic Healthy Smiles, and goes above and beyond to address the root of issues in these communities. The importance of this simply cannot be overstated. While helping people to heal once they come to a clinic is certainly important work, having programs which assess and address the factors that lead to common issues is crucial to ensure the highest number of safe and healthy individuals. The fact that ODIM does both is truly impressive and heartwarming. 

These are just some examples of ODIM’s phenomenal programs. You can visit their website,, to learn more about all of the work they do, the communities they work in (San Juan and San Pablo La Laguna), and ways you can get involved. Thank you to all of the staff at ODIM for your tireless efforts to make your communities the best they can be. 




Hope for the Next Generation

As Unique Batik looks for nonprofit partners to support in the regions in which we work, one of the most important attributes we seek is sustainability. Will the organization be able to work effectively not only now, but in the future to make a long term impact instead of putting a temporary band-aid on the community’s problems? One of the most impressive things about Asociacion La Libertad, or ALAS, is that they have a sustainability plan to secure the organization's future. ALAS, a nonprofit organization based in Guatemala, coordinates educational development and more for the neglected populations of Guatemala.

Students in ALAS’ educational programs contribute to the plan by working while they attend school. To launch a new school in a remote area, La Libertad must ensure that they can support the minimum number of students required by the government.  Unique Batik has funded tuition for the seven qualified students needed to reach the minimum number required and start the new school.  Once the school is established, the students will help sustain it through their work.  Through this system, not only are they creating a future for the students who come after them, they are also empowered by knowing that they can contribute to the community.

After the brutal 36-year civil war ended in in 1996, 410 refugee families were repatriated to a remote zone of the highlands of Guatemala in the Zona Reina area, to the village now known as San Antonio de Nueva Esperanza, or “New Hope.” Reconstruction began and the vision of the village elders included establishing education as a foundation for future development. With the lowest literacy rate in Latin America, especially among rural, indigenous populations, education is of paramount importance to the development of the lives of the Guatemalan poor.

Fourteen years after the initial founding of La Libertad’s educational program, which seeks to provide formal education ranging from elementary school through college, the village of San Antonio de Nueva Esperanza and its neighbors have seen over 450 people complete their education through the ninth grade. Approximately fifty students participating in extended vocational training for computers and agriculture have gone on to study at the university level. Considering the odds against them -- on average, only one out of ten rural Guatemalans completes middle school -- these figures indicate the tremendous success of ALAS.

La Libertad continues to take on challenges, including the 2010 opening of the university satellite campus of the Mariano Gálvez University, the only one in all of the Zona Reina. With this, the original vision of extending local education from the middle school to university level has been brought to fruition, but sustaining this vision takes continuous work on the part of not only ALAS, but program participants. One benefit of local university classes is that it guarantees that local teachers who want to stay in Zona Reina and expand the educational system can achieve their own necessary education to lead and inspire future students.

Unique Batik is proud to partner with ALAS in providing educational opportunities for the people of Zona Reina and San Antonio Nueva Esperanza. Through the years, the community has shown its commitment to education and La Libertad has created a program that can achieve its goals sustainably, making the vision of the founding village elders a reality that will touch generations to come.

Introduction to the Modern Maya

Once one of the most powerful civilizations in Central America, the Maya people remain an integral part of Guatemala. The rise of the Maya civilization began thousands of years ago and spread across what it now southern Mexico all the way to modern day Honduras. The Maya civilization lasted longer than any other Mesoamerican culture that came to power in the area, and as a result, traces of the culture remain very much alive even today.

Today, there are about six million Maya living in Central America. Although they have relatively modern lives, most still live a lifestyle that is distinct from that of Guatemalans descended from a European heritage. Instead of Spanish, the official language of Guatemala, most Maya speak primarily  indigenous languages, of which there are 22, each reflective of a disparate regional heritage. Because the Maya civilization was so widespread geographically, various dialects evolved into unique languages over time.

Many Maya women, in particular, may not speak fluent Spanish at all. Growing up in Maya households and, unfortunately, likely not to have attended school where the Spanish language would be taught, women and girls speak only their indigenous language. Only 48% of indigenous women are literate in Spanish. This language barrier contributes to many disadvantages including inequality in the labor force, limited access to adequate health care, and exclusion from the legal system. Unique Batik works primarily with indigenous women, seeking to create income and the possibility of an education for those who would otherwise have little to no opportunity.

A history of craftsmanship is still seen in the beautiful handicrafts of Maya people today. Although their work has evolved to take in new influences, assimilate them, and in some cases become something entirely new, a reflection of Mayan history remains in carving, painting, textiles, and more. Considering today’s prevalence of beaded jewelry, it may surprise many to learn that although weaving has been an integral part of Mayan culture for centuries, the introduction of small glass beads and the subsequent creation of woven beaded jewelry did not occur until quite recently. Since the introduction of the tiny glass bead, women in Guatemala have used their traditional weaving skills to create a wide range of jewelry designs, which have become quite popular in the marketplace.

Weaving holds a position of high importance in Maya culture, not only as a handicraft tradition,but as a religious and social tradition. Ixchel, goddess of the moon, has a special connection to women. She is represented with weaving implements in her headdress, and is said to have taught the first woman how to weave. The tradition is passed from woman to daughter, and has been for centuries. Weaving is a social activity, as well; with the portable backstrap loom, women can weave virtually anywhere. Historically, it is one of the only sources of income available primarily to women. Maya women take great pride in their weaving skills, as can be seen in the amazing textiles that come from the region.

At Unique Batik, we strive to sustain both ancient and new traditions of Mayan handicrafts through marketing these special products to buyers across the globe. Having spent many years traveling to Guatemala and the heart of the Maya culture, not only observing its beauty, but learning about it personally through friendships and long term partnerships with our artisans, we recognize both the beauty of the Maya peoples and the struggle that they face. Through fair trade, we hope to preserve the one and alleviate the other.

Reducing Impact, Recycling Inspiration

In today’s struggle to preserve the earth for future generations, the inclusion of people in developing countries is more important than ever. Not only are those in developing countries more at risk for health problems caused by environmental factors, without their participation in taking measures to combat environmental problems, there is little chance of seeing real change. As fair trade producers operating within the principles of fair trade as defined by the World Fair Trade Organization, Unique Batik is committed to using materials sourced sustainably, minimizing waste, and using production techniques that reduce environmental impact.

Environmental risk factors across the globe are “greatest for the poor and vulnerable populations in developing countries,” says the WHO’s Health and Environment Linkages Initiative. This brings an even greater sense of urgency to our need to not only stop environmental impact but to reverse it. For example, deforestation, one of the greatest environmental issues in Guatemala, is both exacerbated by the poor rural populations who must make use of whatever resources they can find, and puts them at risk for further tragedy such as the 2005 landslides that killed more than 1500 people. In order to prevent the continued disappearance of Guatemala’s forest, there must be other employment options for its people.

Fair trade seeks to create employment opportunities that offer not only the financial means to preserve the environment, but to do it in a way that is intentional in reducing the impact of productions. Outside of the production of our crafts, Unique Batik also participates in other environmental initiatives. There is the everyday, such as recycling at our home office in Raleigh, NC, and riding our bikes to work. There is also the truly inspired, such as a project in Guatemala that takes mundane trash such as the plastic bags and wrappers and the ubiquitous plastic water bottle, and turns them into eco bricks that are donated to build homes for the poor. With little infrastructure in the rural area of Lake Atitlan, there is trash but nowhere to put it other than scattered about the ground in otherwise picturesque villages (at worst) or in a giant pile on the mountainside (at best). By stuffing the bags and wrappers into the plastic bottles until they become sturdy and solid, the bottles can then be used as “bricks” in building adobe homes and other structures.

Despite the many challenges to environmental sustainability in developing countries, in some ways their people could teach those in the Global North a lot about reducing, repurposing, and recycling. The people with whom we work are masters of recycling -- wasting almost nothing. Some of the recycled materials they use include: textiles, metal, plastic, and glass. These recycling techniques may be as straightforward as using recycled glass bottles to make glass beads or as whimsical as making bangles out of broken guitar strings. We at Unique Batik are proud to work with artisans whose creativity and ingenuity can rescue items that would otherwise go to waste and instead transform them into beautiful and useful products. Somehow, it seems appropriate that in a fair trading relationship, inspiration and knowledge are not a one-way thing. It is through working together that we can make an impact for good, both on the lives of producers and on this world we all share.